the foundation donates $100,000
Thanks to the generous donations made by the LVUSD families, THE Foundation made a donation of $100,000 to the LVUSD. That will go to help counseling, class size reduction and STEAM supplies. We hope to double that for next year.

“Thanks to The Foundation we were able to add counselors and increase counseling services at every school site. LVUSD now has the lowest student to counselor ratio in the region. Our counselors provide individual and group support for the academic success, and emotional and social well-being of all of our students.”
Dr. Dan Stepenosky
Superintendent LVUSD

“The Foundation shows what our community can accomplish when we all join together to support our kids and our schools. There is a link between a high performing fully funded school district and elevated property values, thriving businesses, and a high quality of life.”
Angela Cutbill
LVUSD School Board

“As an English teacher, I’m so grateful that The Foundation is working to keep class sizes smaller. With smaller classes, I’m able to teach more writing skills and give more in depth feedback to each student.”
Richard Lopez
Calabasas High School Faculty

LVUSD Board of Education accepting a $100,000 donation from
THE Foundation for Las Virgenes Schools